Judith Lewis
Founder - deCabbit Consultancy
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SEO From the Trenches: Wins, Losses, Fuckups and Fiverr

Las Vegas 2017 | 13 - 15 November 2017 | 12:30

Everyone talks about the basics but how do you push your business beyond the competition? In this session go beyond the basics and beyond the usual advanced sessions with information around cheating at link building, content hacks with keyword modelling, setting up a sexy strategy with some technical tools.

While all this is well and good and important for businesses I’ll also give you a sneak peek into some testing with Fiverr, how that changed the suggested terms, what happened when I bought 1,000 links to a domain with hardly any links, and what happened when I bought traffic. Hint – not all of it was good. But wait there’s more – along with this fine set of slides and information you’ll also get the Ginsu II! It slides! It dices! Not even a tin can can stop a Ginsu! Order today!

*Session won’t include any Gunsu knives but will include chocolate for questions!

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