Jill Quick
Jill Quick
Co-Founder - The Coloring in Department
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All Wood, No Trees: Technical Search is A Blunt Axe Without Content to Sharpen It

London 2019 | 1 - 3 April 2019 | 09:00

Everyone loves search, that much is obvious. That said, we get so lost in the world of speed, the efficacy of Javascript and the ongoing debate that is AMP to see the bigger picture sometimes. Ask Google, and they tell you that you should be creating content for your audience first, for the purposes of search, second. This is a bit black and white for my tastes, but I’d definitely argue that we get so lost in the little technical tweaks that we don’t notice we are in fact tweaking a dumpster fire of a website.

“Ok Google, analogies about band aids and bullet wounds.”

We need to be smarter than this because if we are are not careful we’ll be using new technology, new tools, and new skills to the detriment of our brands, products and businesses. Realistically, there isn’t a clear cut way to fell the forest – but we can get damn close if we just work together on creating genuinely valuable content and experiences for people.

This talk explores just that, how to be better together, cut down some trees, and not get a face full of splinters in the process.

Content Strategy

How to switch mindset and worry about the big, crushing, things?
What the hell should I do about my current content?
Why do I need to innovate and change?
When it all goes right, what does that look like?
Persuasion & Intent

How to be user-centric, because your audience is self involved?
What can you do to nudge your website visitors in the right direction?
Why you shouldn’t trick people, just add value?
When is the time to strike, before your competitors get off their asses?

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