Brent Csutoras
Brent Csutoras
Digital Marketing Consultant - Brent Csutoras, LLC
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Building an Honest and Kickass Brand Presence on Reddit

Los Angeles 2019 | 7 - 9 November 2019 | 14:15

Reddit is an extremely powerful and influential, but it is also about the most unique social media platform out there. So when it comes to your social media strategy on Reddit, it has to be as unique and creative as Reddit and its users are… otherwise it’s going to be painful.. really painful.

In this session, I will talk about the features available and coming in the future for communities and brand accounts, detail the opportunities for a brand to engage with Redditors, as well as share some of our favorite and more creative ways to have success and become truly a part of Reddit.

You should attend this session if you represent a brand, want to be involved with the Reddit community, or are looking to learn how you can participate in a way that is genuine and most likely to have long term success.

Careful though, as once you go Reddit (as the proverbial saying goes) you may never go back.

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