Gerry White
Director SEO - Analytics and Growth
Read more about Gerry

Data is meaningless without insight – Why you shouldn’t tell your client the ‘what’ without the ‘why’ and the ‘why not’

London 2019 | 1 - 3 April 2019 | 14:30

Too often recently an investigation is launched after a terrifying bit of data comes out, a comparison is made or Google sends a warning, an explanation of why allllll the tools are only as good as the user and it is important that the user adds that extra layer. A good digital analyst isn’t T shaped he is a well rounded individual with a thirst for more information and data – why is it that site wide bounce rate, time on site, conversion rate are all crap metrics and what is it we can do to ensure that we aren’t screaming panic if someone in your company spots a key KPI change.

Segmentation, analysis, GTM and DataStudio will all feature as well as some data from Google Search Console and Google Analytics, like everything at Ungagged this will feature some hacks, wins and like Just Eat some awesome takeaways.

This session will be suited to digital marketers who use data every day to answer those key questions, or senior management who need to understand what is truly happening on their site.

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