Aiden Carroll
Aiden Carroll
Co-Founder The Coloring In Department - The Coloring In Department
Read more about Aiden

Enter The Void: Marketing in a World of F**ked Up Technology

Las Vegas 2018 | 4 - 7 November 2018 | 14:00

Technology is changing at an incredible pace, which makes it challenging to stay on top of the latest trends. New technology is constantly changing the way we interact with the world, and consequently, how businesses should effectively market to their audience. Also, probably not helped by our own ineptitude, in the keeping up to date stakes.

Let’s face it, digital marketers are up there with social workers, traffic wardens and lawyers in the popularity game these days. Remember geek chic? Wasn’t that grand?

The big question is, can we recover our “cool career” reputation or are we so thoroughly fenced in by “techies to the left of me, jokers to the right” and the long arm of the law on our backs.

This talk will explore three key themes that are/or will change our world and what marketers need to know about them, if we are once again – to make friends and not alienate people.

The Cambridge Analytica fiasco – and why it was awesome
1st party, 2nd party, 3rd party data – it’s all a party, give me more
Just because we know about people, doesn’t mean we should tell them so
Patents, parents, and protection – the dangerous waters of the new social
Google isn’t a Trojan horse, it’s an oligarch – and we best be nice, or we’ll lose our heads
Featured snippets vs facts – and the loose relationship between the two
Providing information to the world – especially my information
Arm yourself to the markup teeth, we are doing battle
GDPR is so last year, but here’s some more fear
Net neutrality, just another word for grey (and murky)
Stateside, legalese medium rare
It’s not just you – it’s them

N.B This talk includes, free, usable templates

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