Jennifer Slegg
Jennifer Slegg
Editor - The SEM Post
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Reading Between the Google Quality Rater Guide Lines

Los Angeles 2019 | 7 - 9 November 2019 | 14:15

Google created the Google Quality Rater Guidelines so their raters could evaluate the search results based on the types of sites Google wants to see ranked at the top of the search results – and those they want to see demoted in the search results. Google has given SEOs the bible on what they want at #1 “to help webmasters understand what Google looks for in web pages” and SEOs need to know how to turn those guidelines into rankings.

Google’s Ben Gnomes, VP of Search, said “You can view the rater guidelines as where we want the search algorithm to go. They don’t tell you how the algorithm is ranking results, but they fundamentally show what the algorithm should do.”

But most SEOs don’t know how to turn those guidelines into actionables to enhance their sites to be those types of sites that Google wants to see at the top of the SERPs. While most have heard “add an about us page”, there are many more easy wins to be found in the guidelines that can improve search rankings.

Jen will go beyond the straight talk of the official guidelines and dive into the many hints and nuances of the guidelines that SEOs can use to their competitive advantage when it comes to dominating the Google search results.

Main Takeaways

  • Why Google has placed such a high emphasis on E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness) and the ways to earn it, improve it and show it.
  • Google has revamped the criteria for Your Money Your Life pages, the types of pages that Google holds to the highest standards. Covering these changes and how they impact many more sites than ever before.
  • How Google views different types reputation and what sites can do to enhance and promote their reputation.
  • Why creator reputation is even more important now.
  • What you need to know about how Google’s quality raters view various types of monetization and its impact on page quality.

This session is ideal for all levels of SEOs.

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