Dixon Jones
Dixon Jones
CEO - Inlinks Optimization LTD
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London 2018 | 11 - 13 June 2018 | 15:15

We’ve been hearing the phrase “SEO is Dead” ever since SEO was invented. What makes our industry so prone to this apocalyptic sense of self-destruction? Are the prophets of doom basing their view on fact or a crisis of confidence? Dixon Jones looks back at the inflection points that created these headlines and shows you how you can do so too. From there, with the benefit of hindsight, fact and fiction will be unravelled to build up a picture of what methods have consistently worked over the years.

The talk will look in part at some of the paranoias that face SEOs and how those paranoias come about. Does Google seek to exploit these paranoias? Or is that just another paranoid thought? Having looked at the motivations of the stakeholders in SEO, we will get down to brass tacks. The Dublin Core schema, like keyword metatags, fell from grace decades ago, but doesn’t modern semantic mark-up do exactly the same thing? Is Voice search optimisation REALLY very different to traditional SEO? Or do some of the same principals apply? Are directories really dead or is Wikipedia now just the mother of all directories?

Not everything we are told is black and white. This talk will help you see the shades of grey and how time can bring the grey into focus. You will take away:

A rational understanding of why we are one of the most paranoid industries on earth
A light reminder of some of the most epic fails in SEO over the years
A serious list of the most enduring tactics in SEO over the years

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